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What is it about certain words that no matter how hard you try you just can not spell them right the first try or at all for that matter. Definitley is one of those words for me. I seem to use it almost daily, but can't ever remember how to spell the ending. Let me try again... DEFINITELY, oh I think I got it this time! Anyway just a random blog about those cursed words in our lives we never seem to get right.


Kid Quotes December 2009

Quote from T.J. (age 7) "Guess what the best part about doing chores is... you get a clean house".

Quote from Phoenix (age 3) speaking of his new lambie (lamb rug from Ikea) "Smell Daddy... smells like carpet".

Quote from Cosette (age 5) "I don't care what Santa brings me this year, I will be happy with anything he gives me"

Pregnancy Surprise #4

Well here come's number 4... About mid August 2010 most likely. We had finished our adoption certification and were just about to be foster licensed when this little surprise came our way. I'm sure it is at exactly the right time, it just wasn't how we had expected things to go. Hubby and I did the ring test last night, and it looks as if it is a girl. I guess we will be sure in a couple of months. I'll keep you all posted.


PHX "I'm Broken"

Since I don't have my blog all set up yet, I am just going to share a little funny story about my 3 year old. I think we were standing in church, just about to leave, when my PHX came up to me and asked me to hold him. I told him that I couldn't, my arms were broken. And I tell ya, that kid doesn't miss a beat. The very next thing that came out of that kids mouth was "I can't stand, my legs are broken" My hubby and I couldn't stop laughing.

I Finally Did It!

I have been hesitating for years, have had my blog name picked out for months, and am now officially ready to have my blog set up. I took the first step. How does the saying go, "one small step for men, but one giant leap for a home school mom of 3"?